Quick and Easy Trail Mix Recipe
1 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup craisins (alternative: dried apricots or raisins)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tablespoon brown sugar (white sugar would also work)
2 pinches salt
3 tablespoons maple syrup
My secret ingredient: 5 sprinkles ground ginger
Add the oats to a medium-sized bowl. Job of the oats: the amount of oats determines the quantity of the trail mix.
Now add the craisins/dried fruit. The job of the dried fruit: the dried fruit is a primary topping in the trail mix. They are very crucial to the flavor.
Now for the brown sugar. The job of the brown sugar: Brown sugar serves as a sweetener to the recipe.
Maple syrup comes next. The job of the maple syrup: the maple syrup serves as a flavoring to the trail mix. It wets the oats and other additions to make a sweet additive.
Now it is time for the cinnamon. This is one of the key flavorings in the trail mix. It brings out the taste.
Let’s move onto the salt. Sprinkle the two pinches evenly over the mix. The job of the salt is the same job that it has in every other dish: simply to be a key flavor.
Last but not least, shake out some ground ginger. You will taste this in the mix once in a while. And when you do, it is a great combination with the other spices and flavorings.
This dish is super healthy (and a little sugary), easy to make, and tastes delish! If you like to cook, check out some of my other super simple recipes!